For detailed solutions, please visit the Asia-Pacific Wireless Division website:
In environmental protection systems, it is often necessary to monitor a large number of pollution discharge points in real time. Most of the monitoring data needs to be sent to the back-end server of the management center in real time for processing. Because the monitoring sites are scattered and widely distributed, and most of them are set up in areas with harsh environments, it is often less effective to transmit data via telephone lines. Data transmission through wireless networks will become an important means of communication chosen by the environmental protection department. The pollution source monitoring equipment can send the collected pollution data and alarm information to the environmental protection monitoring department through the wireless network in time, realizing the timely management of the pollutant discharge unit or individual, which can greatly improve the work efficiency of the environmental protection department.
At present, the data communication between the environmental protection monitoring station and each collection point is mainly based on field acquisition or PSTN telephone line transmission, which is costly and inconvenient to manage. Based on the needs of the environmental protection industry, Taiya Oriental combines wireless transmission devices such as wireless routers and wireless DTUs, which are independently developed and produced, to provide professional wireless data transmission solutions for environmental protection monitoring data, which helps the environmental protection department to improve the environmental protection efforts and efficiency.