M317 is a three-terminal adjustable regulator IC that is very familiar to electronic enthusiasts. When making linear adjustable power supply, I like to use LM317 to make it. As long as the peripheral circuit of the LM317 is slightly modified, the LM317 can also be used as an LED constant current driver with adjustable drive current. Compared with the dedicated LED constant current driver IC, the LM317 consists of a constant current driver circuit with a simple operating voltage range. Wide (8 ~ 40V), large output current, and low cost.
Calculation of the resistance and power of the resistor R <br> It is assumed that the LM317 is driven by a 1W white LED lamp bead. The operating current of this lamp bead is about 330mA, then we can calculate R=1.25V/0.33 according to the above formula. A = 3.79 Ω. Since there is no nominal value of 3.79 Ω in the ordinary resistor, a resistor with a nominal value of 3.9 Ω is used. The power of R is 1.25V x 0.33A=0.41W, so the resistor R can be selected from a metal film resistor of 3.9Ω/?W. If you want to adjust the brightness of the LED bead, just adjust the resistance of R.
Calculation of the resistance and power of the resistor R <br> It is assumed that the LM317 is driven by a 1W white LED lamp bead. The operating current of this lamp bead is about 330mA, then we can calculate R=1.25V/0.33 according to the above formula. A = 3.79 Ω. Since there is no nominal value of 3.79 Ω in the ordinary resistor, a resistor with a nominal value of 3.9 Ω is used. The power of R is 1.25V x 0.33A=0.41W, so the resistor R can be selected from a metal film resistor of 3.9Ω/?W. If you want to adjust the brightness of the LED bead, just adjust the resistance of R.
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