Using STMicroelectronics' third-generation trench-gate field-stop low-loss manufacturing process, the M-series IGBTs have a new trench gate and a specially designed PNP vertical structure that can be turned on. An optimum balance point between loss and switching loss is found, which can greatly improve the overall performance of the transistor. The minimum short-circuit withstand time is 6?s at an initial high junction temperature of 150 °C. The maximum operating junction temperature of 175 °C and a wide safe operating range help to extend the life of the components while increasing the power dissipation. Highly demanding application reliability.
In addition, the new product package also integrates a new generation of Free-wheeling Diodes. The new diode provides fast recovery while maintaining low forward voltage drop and high recovery softness. This design not only achieves excellent EMI protection, but also reduces switching losses. The positive VCE (sat) temperature coefficient, combined with tight parameter distribution, enables new products to be safely paralleled and meets higher power requirements.
Main features of the M series:
650V IGBT, most of the competitive products are 600V;
Low VCE(sat) (1.55V @25°C) voltage to minimize conduction losses;
Excellent robustness, extensive safe working range and no latch-free operaTIon;
The best Etto-Vce(sat) balance ratio in the industry;
175 ° C maximum working junction temperature;
High temperature short circuit withstand time of 6?s;
Limited voltage overshoot ensures no oscillation during turn-off;
The newly released M Series is available in 10A and 30A rated currents and is available in a variety of power package options, including TO-220, D2PAK and TO-247 LL long-leg packages, and ST's HB for high-frequency industrial applications. Series 650V IGBTs (up to 60 kHz) complement each other. New products have started mass production.
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