STMicroelectronics (ST) recently introduced the STP16CPS05 LED driver with automatic energy saving features. It is an innovative product in the ST Power Logic family that helps manufacturers achieve energy efficiency requirements for industrial lighting, corporate signage and transportation applications, saving up to 80% over existing solutions.
Compared to the previous STP16Cx596 series of power logic devices, the new constant current LED driver allows a single IC to enter shutdown mode when no active input signal is detected. As a result, the STP16CPS05 saves energy without external intervention and is the ideal solution for a global energy saving program that encourages the use of lighting.
The STP16CPS05 family of power logic products features a clock data resynchronization feature that is useful when LED drivers are connected in series. The IC is available in four packages, where the exposed TSSOP package has excellent thermal efficiency and excellent thermal performance.
Operating temperature range -40 ° C to +125 ° C, power supply voltage 3.3V to 5V; output current adjustment range 5mA to 80mA, the new product is suitable for lighting applications requiring medium-intensity current and high-precision LED control.
The STP16CPS05 is in production now, with 100,000 units ordered and the unit price is $0.80.

Source: Electronic Engineering

Power Inductors

Common Mode Inductor,Single Phase Transformer,Pfc Inductor,Electrical Inductor