At present, domestic and foreign scholars have proposed a lot of lane line detection algorithms, which are mainly divided into two categories: one is based on image feature detection method, that is, feature-driven method, which is based on some features of road image (such as lane line c…

Abstract: The main content of this paper is to design and implement an LED car light control system. The implementation principle of the control system is expounded in the paper, and the design and implementation process of software and hardware are introduced in detail. The system…
In order to meet the needs of many systems, a wave of charger ICs is emerging among system designers and charger IC suppliers. The charger IC mentioned in this article refers to a charger IC in a device such as a smart phone/tablet for converting the power of the AC/DC…
Yesterday, it was learned that the Guangdong LED Lighting Standard Technology Alliance was established. At the same time, Guangdong will also establish a standard public platform for the LED lighting industry.
The platform will mainly do forward-looking researc…
This application note explores the trends in light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in general-purpose lighting applications, compares the performance of LEDs with other lighting technologies, and analyzes the design of LED lights and the main challenges in replacing existing lighti…