The sofa butler is an Android-based smart TV and network set-top box localization application store. The butler can download a wide range of applications such as massive live broadcasting, on-demand broadcasting, games, and tools. Butler has…
If you love creating awesome loops and want them to sync in time with other devices and instruments. Then, loop pedals with MIDI sync can satisfy your requirements. Remember, a loop pedal is a great way to experiment and create great music. It permits you to record and playback several …
In November 2015, Xiaomi released the "Next Generation New Product" Xiaomi TV 3, which focuses on the concept of "split TV". Its TV host and TV monitor are completely separated, just like the concept of desktop computer, it is convenient for you to upgrade…
The strength of the Silicon Valley technology giant can be seen in the number of patents it applies for. Recently, the statistics report of third-party organizations shows that in the field of the most popular artificial intelligence (AI), the number of patents applied…
With its short-form videos, TikTok has revolutionized old-fashioned social media and how we consume content. The changing trends have made it challenging to grow your TikTok account and get them verified. If you want to save time and effort in building a solid presence, buy already-esta…
In today’s ever-evolving content creation landscape, where every pixel and waveform counts, achieving top-tier audio quality is paramount. Whether you’re a seasoned vlogger, established podcaster, or aspiring filmmaker, the integrity of your sound can genuinely make or bre…
@MarcisShadow is working on a project using a Raspberry Pi with a Pololu DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Kit for Raspberry Pi to control a Celestron NexStar GoTo Mount, allowing web-based control of a telescope. He also uses a Pololu 5V Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulator S7V7F5 connected to the …
We are still shipping all orders
After almost a month of emergency operations, during which we have continued to ship all orders, our Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan came through, which should buy us at least another several months of continued operation! I will get to more…
We have different requirements on comercial and residential places such as: Residential spaces Living room  you will need different amounts of lux or foot - candles for each space such as:Supervisory work on machinery, equipment or products. Transportation or movement of materials.…