Although the performance test of the 9th generation Core processor is still under NDA confidentiality, Intel commissioned Principled Technologies (hereinafter referred to as PT) to test 7 AMD and Intel processors, including the latest Core i9-9900K, and detailed performance tests. It was also made public, but this test also caused controversy. Many people believed that their test was misleading and caused injustice to AMD in terms of memory frequency, radiator and game mode selection, leading to an excessive lead of Intel processors. Regarding this problem, everyone knows the cause and effect. PT has now issued an official statement explaining why it did so. At the same time, it reiterated their confidence in their own test results, but related supplementary tests are also in progress.

Core i9-9900K performance leads Ryzen 72700X by as much as 50%, Intel is misleading the public?

Core i9-9900K performance leads Ryzen 7 2700X up to 50%, Intel is misleading the public?

Intel responds to the fact that the test data of Core i9-9900K is wrong: it is consistent with ours

In the test results, PT Company was questioned in three main areas, that is, the memory frequency, heat sink and AMD's Gaming Mode game mode. PT Company responded to these contents. The official PDF is here.

·Why is Gaming Mode enabled on Ryzen 7 2700X?

Gaming Mode is a new feature introduced by AMD on the second-generation thread tearer processor. Because Threadripper 2990WX has 32 cores and 64 threads, only 2 sets of CCX units are directly connected to the memory channel, and 2 sets of CCX units cannot be directly connected. Even, the memory delay will increase, which is not good for game performance. So AMD pushes the game mode to disable two sets of CCX units and turn 32 cores into 16 cores, which can improve game performance. We have tested this feature before and are interested. You can go to find out what's going on.

The problem with PT is that they have also opened this function on 8-core processors such as the Ryzen 7 2700X, and they have opened this mode when AMD is disabled by default, so it is the most questioned. Their explanation is that based on AMD's recommendation and the internal tests that PT has done on Threadripper processors, PT found that installing AMD Ryzen Master software and turning on the game mode function can improve most of the results. In order to maintain consistency, PT has enabled the game mode function on all AMD Ryzen and Threadripper processors.

They are currently supplementing the test in the creator mode of the Threadripper processor, and will update if there are results.

·Why use better third-party heat sinks for Intel processors?

In PT’s test platform, AMD processors and Intel processors use different radiators. Ryzen 7 2700X is the original Wraith Prism radiator, and Intel is the better-performance Owl NH-U14S radiator. And better heat dissipation can help the processor maintain a higher acceleration frequency, so this is also questioned that they are improving the performance of Intel processors in disguise and suppressing the performance of AMD processors.

PT’s explanation for this is that the NH-J14S radiator used on the TR platform is basically the same as the NH-U14S used on the Intel platform, so the heat dissipation configuration is the same at this point. In addition, since their platform is not overclocked, and AMD also said that Wraith Prism is a good enough radiator, so the original radiator was used on the Ryzen 7 2700X.

PS: Let me say one more thing here. The reason for this result is that the Intel Core high-end processors are not equipped with the original radiator. The Ryzen 7 2700X instead sent the original radiator, but here it became a stone for PT to pick up AMD and hit AMD’s Feet, AMD can't say that its Wraith Prsim radiator is not performing well.

·Why use 4 16GB memory?

The memory problem is also a place where PT has been questioned. They use 4 16GB memory, Intel platform also opened XMP, but everyone also knows that the memory is full of four and it is a large-capacity memory module, the frequency and timing will not Very good, but AMD Ryzen processors are very sensitive to memory frequency and timing.

In response to this question, PT responded that their test is across multiple platforms, and also involves Intel's Core X and AMD's Threadripper processors. In order to use the full bandwidth, they used four 16GB DDR4 memory, the detailed configuration is as follows :

Core i9-9900K performance leads Ryzen 72700X by as much as 50%, Intel is misleading the public?

In addition to these three issues, there are other questions about the choice of 1080p resolution, image quality and motherboard model. The 1920x1080 resolution is chosen because it represents the choice of mainstream gamers. In the Steam hardware survey, the proportion of 1080p resolution is still Up to 62%. The image quality of the test game also chose "High" or equivalent image quality instead of Ultra's highest image quality, which is mainly to maximize the highlight of the CPU performance rather than the GPU performance.

As for the issue of AMD processors based on Z370 or Z390 motherboards, this issue belongs to their clerical error, and the relevant description has been corrected.

Compared with the previous three issues, the resolution, image quality and motherboard model are relatively small. The choice of resolution and image quality is also common sense for test editors, but others may not understand it.

Regarding PT’s response to game modes, memory and radiators, I personally think that their explanations still have a lot of reasonable ingredients. Many problems are tested across multiple platforms and related to the technical support of AMD and Intel, such as the differences between XMP and DOCP. , The choice of radiator should not be the key to the large gap in performance. The performance difference of AMD Ryzen processor is estimated to be the fault of the game mode. After all, the core impact of halving the core is still very large. On this issue, the choice of PT is It's a bit abnormal, but they are also checking for the shortcomings of this test, retesting some content, and saying that if some of the test content is significantly different from the current content, it will be announced.

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