
The LM317 is one of the most widely used power supply integrated circuits. It not only has the simplest form of a fixed three-terminal regulator circuit, but also has an adjustable output voltage. In addition, it has the advantages of wide voltage regulation range, good voltage regulation performance, low noise and high ripple rejection ratio. The main performance parameters are as follows.

Output voltage: 1.25-37V DC; output current: 5mA-1.5A; chip with overheat, overcurrent, short circuit protection circuit; maximum input-output voltage difference: 40V DC, minimum input-output voltage difference: 3V DC; use environment Temperature: -10-+85 °C.

Figure 1 shows the outline and pinout of several commonly used (different package types) LM317.

LM317 outline drawing

Attached are some application circuits, see PDF document for details!

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Zhejiang Synmot Electrical Technology Co., Ltd ,