Recently, Rising has released two new enterprise-class hardware products, namely Rising Wire Type Anti-Virus Wall System and Rising Operation Maintenance Audit System, in order to seek to expand its business space in the enterprise-class market. According to the introduction of Rising, Rising-type wire type wall protection system and Rising Management System have been used in some domestic government networks.

When Rising announced its first quarter results in April this year, it said that the company’s revenue from enterprise-class products accounted for more than 50% of hardware and service revenue. Since the announcement of the personal-grade anti-virus products free of charge last year, Rising has shifted its business focus to the enterprise-level market. At the end of last year, Rising issued 16 new enterprise-level products and spared no effort to develop the enterprise-class security market. Currently, Rising's enterprise-class product line includes seven series, including Rising anti-virus wall system, network security early warning system, antivirus software network version, "private cloud" platform, internal network audit system, online behavior management system and operation and maintenance management audit system. .
