The Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a notice saying that according to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's "Notice on Improving the Temporary Suspension System for the First Day of IPO Listing", the Shenzhen Stoc…
According to media reports, Intel recently announced that its XMM7262 LTE-Advanced modem (Intel LTE chip) has already obtained China Mobile certification. As Intel's next-generation LTE platform, the chip supports multiple network standards such as LTE TDD/FDD, WCD…
Later in the Xiaomi Forum, a…
Abstract: This paper introduces the technical characteristics of ANT wireless network protocol. Based on single-chip microcomputer and second-generation ANT network chip nRF24AP2, the software and hardware design of LED intelligent ligh…

The concept of smart home has been fierce in recent years. However, the market is cold. Many factors such as high price, low-energy products, chaotic market structure, and unrestricted standards have made it difficu…
Teach you how to make mobile power supply for wireless charging mobile power method! How to make wireless charging mobile power for mobile power, I believe many people have not heard of it, but it is not difficult to imagine. Wireless charging mobile power production, …
At present, the mainstream projectors on the market are mainly divided into DLP projectors and LCD projectors, and CRT projectors have been eliminated, but most people are not very familiar with these two types of projectors. We analyze the characteristics of the two p…