The flammability and stringency of power cables, in the event of a fire, are serious, especially in power plants and large substations, in the event of a fire, affecting other circuits. Therefore, the fire protection technology of…
Electronic enthusiasts eight o'clock: the first batch of Model 3 models just delivered last weekend, local time on Wednesday, Tesla released the second quarter earnings report showed that the quarter revenue of 2.8 billion US dollars, better than analysts expected.…
1.3 Common mode conducted disturbance caused by high frequency transformer
High-frequency transformer is an important component in energy storage, isolation, output and voltage conversion in switching power supply. Its leakage inductance and distributed capacitance have a great infl…
Electronic enthusiasts eight o'clock: Tesla CEO Elon Musk revealed in a quarterly earnings conference call on Wednesday that about 63,000 people canceled the Tesla Model 3 order last year.
Electronic enthusiasts eight o'clock: Beijing time on August 10 morning news, according to Reuters, Tesla and the Nevada Motor Vehicle Administration (DMV) communication test for road test shows that the company is developing a Unmanned long-distance electric semi-…

The follower bootstrap input shield reduces cable capacitance, leakage, and false voltages caused by cable bending. The input capacitor is small to avoid circuit instability.
Deep learning is a method of artificial intelligence technology. It usually uses a large data set to train the neural network, and finally obtains the result of the problem with higher accuracy. Deep learning has evolved from rapid development to practical application.…
NFC English full name Near Field CommunicaTIon, short-range wireless communication. It is a wireless technology initiated by Philips and jointly promoted by famous manufacturers such as Nokia and Sony.
NFC evolved from…
One question: Under what circumstances do you need to back up your robot?
Answer: 1. After the new machine is powered on for the first time.
2. Before making any changes.
3. After the modification is completed.
4. If the…
This year, AMD officially released the Ryzen ThreadRipper series of enthusiast processors, including a 16-core Ryzen ThreadRipper 1950X, which is currently the strongest desktop processor and will be officially launched in China this month. For enthusiasts, I believe it will be the first t…