1, 74HC245

Function: Signal power amplification.

The first pin DIR is used for input/output port conversion. When DIR=“1” high level, the signal is output from “A” terminal to “B” terminal. When DIR=“0” low level, the signal is input from “B” terminal. "End output.

The second to the 9th "A" signal input and output terminals, A1 = B1,,,,,, A8 = B8, A1 and B1 are a group, if DIR = "1" G = "0", then A1 input B1 output, Other similar. If DIR = "0" G = "0", B1 inputs A1 output, and the others are similar.

The "B" signal input and output terminals of the 11th to 18th feet have the same function as the "A" end and will not be described.

The 19th pin G, the enable terminal, if the pin is "1", the signal of the A/B terminal will not be turned on. When only the "0" is enabled, the A/B terminal is enabled, and the pin acts as a switch. Pin 10 GND, power ground.

2, 74HC04

Function: 6-bit inverter.

Pin 7 GND, power ground.

The 14th foot VCC, the power supply is positive. The signal is input from the A terminal to the Y terminal inverting output, A1 and Y1 are a group, and so on. For example: A1=“1”, then Y1=“0”, A1=“0”, then Y1=“1”, the other groups have the same function.

3, 74HC138

Function: Eight-bit binary translation decimal decoder.

Pin 8 GND, power ground.

Pin 15 VCC, positive power supply.

Pins 1~3 A, B, C, binary input pins.

The 4th to 6th chip select signal control, only when the 4th and 5th feet are "0" and the 6th pin is "1", it will be strobed, and the output is controlled by the A, B, C signals. Any other combination will not be strobed, and the Y0~Y7 outputs are all "1". It is cascaded by controlling the strobe pin to extend it to sixteen bits. Example: G2A=0, G2B=0, G1=1, A=1, B=0, C=0, then Y0 is “0” Y1~Y7 is “1”.

Fork Type Connecting Terminals

Fork Type Connecting Terminals,Terminals,Connecting Terminals

Taixing Longyi Terminals Co.,Ltd. , https://www.longyiterminals.com