Tencent Digital (Zhou Shuo) August 2nd, Microsoft has pushed an anniversary update, this update can be seen as the second important event since the birth of Win10, but also after the July 29 stop free upgrade after Win10 Users have made major updates for the first time in more than one year. In order to experience the internal changes of this update, Tencent Digital has also updated the system for the first time. Let's take a look at what the Win10 Anniversary Update is worth.
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Ordinary users are upgraded in various ways
First of all, let's talk roughly about upgrading. Through my observations, there are at least three ways that ordinary mass users currently upgrade.
The first kind is silently waiting for the update of the update center in the machine. Due to factors such as different regions, the delivery time is not fixed, and it may take longer to wait, but it does not take much time and effort.
The second method is to download the ISO system image. Currently, there are a lot of images downloaded on the network. These images are all packaged in a complete system and integrated with the latest RS1 patch. This way Baidu will be able to get it, but after downloading down you need to use a virtual CD-ROM software, or make a U disk boot disk, CD boot disk to install, the speed is slightly faster, but more troublesome.
The third type is through Microsoft Easy Lite, which is a small software that Microsoft launched to facilitate user upgrades. It can be directly downloaded to it by Microsoft, and then it can be downloaded and installed in two steps. Everything is automatic. , for me this also needs to go to other work, put it on the table to use the user without updating. You can deal with it according to your needs.
If you don’t speak up, you’re more literary and more playful and more local
Take a few photos casually feel
As I said before, I chose to use the easy upgrade method to facilitate the upgrade. The disadvantage of this method is a bit slow. It only updated 17% in two hours, but it does not worry. After waiting 3 or 4 hours, the system finally finished downloading and started restarting the update.
One of the biggest features of the update wait process is that you can clearly feel that the system has handled the localization. For Chinese users, how can they be less boring while waiting for updates? Obviously the original system didn't do very well. "This will not delay too much time" is the most common common waiting language. After the update, the waiting time is not so boring. One of the first verses that is familiar to people comes to the sea. “If the memory of the memory is closer, the horizon will be closer. Please wait...†“Hugh thinks of the country, and will The new fire test tea. Please start!" "Emperor's Court and Cui Wei, Yi Fu Guan, Wan Fumo. These updates will escort your network journey." "Qing, take the blue and Qing Yu Blue; ice, water and cold in the water. Is preparing to update, do not shut down the computer "is simply a set, see I look 懵 X. More interesting verses are of interest to everyone.
Start menu structure adjustment more directly
After the new Win10 update, the start menu changes quite obvious. The first is that the application menu on the left is fully loaded and is no longer placed in the secondary menu by default, and some function buttons such as settings are reduced in size. It's even more visually full, it also helps you find the program you need more quickly and easily, and it feels good with a smooth sliding experience.
In accordance with the "most recently added" "most commonly used" and the logical arrangement of all programs, in line with the normal user's use of logic, more scientific.
Operation center icon changes more commonly used functions
The operation center is a major feature of Win10. I have always felt that it is relatively easy to use. This is actually a reference to many Apple OS X systems. One of the biggest feelings that the Operation Center has given me over the past year is that it has a small number of existing functions, and the above notification area has a lot of space. Usually, you don’t need to look at the notifications that come from behind. This is a relatively large space. waste.
Obviously, Microsoft's designers are also aware of this, the new version of the operation center has obviously added more shortcut functions at the bottom, among which I find it useful to have several, such as brightness adjustment, power saving mode, Bluetooth stylus connection, etc. , are very convenient features. In addition, the position of the icon has also changed, placed on the taskbar next to the desktop module
Worth mentioning is brightness adjustment, which provides the darkest, darkest, recommended brightness, brighter, and brightest 5-speed adjustments. Originally this function was achieved by clicking on the battery icon, and marked with 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% 4 file adjustments. The naming method is obviously engineer thinking, not as intuitive as the words “darkest, darkerâ€. Of course, this function can still be found in the battery. With so many function entrances, users can find it more conveniently. The function of brightness adjustment is very common, and one more entrance is quite convenient.
Windows Ink workspace
This is a new feature icon added in the update. This module allows you to use the stylus more efficiently. Open this function module, which integrates notes tools, sketch boards, screen sketches, and recently used items. The memo pad is used for daily record content. The sketch board is used to record temporary explanations and paintings, and to listen to the other party's description to draw a map that does not recognize the road.
It is worth mentioning that this Windows Ink workspace can be directly called out by clicking on the matching Surface series stylus, and pressing the tail key of the Surface can directly call out the memo function and the use efficiency is further improved. As for how other models can quickly exhale, this remains to be tested.
Cortana Xiaona is smarter and more like people
The problem that voice assistants have been criticized for a long time is that the processing problems are particularly mechanized, the answering questions are also more programmatic, and the personification is too weak. When Xiaona was used before, I felt that Xiaona was almost the level of mental retardation. Ask any questions, the most solution is to open a browser query, can not fully reflect her intelligence. The way to answer questions is also very mechanical, and I do not feel like a human-like interaction.
After the update, Xiaona's function has been significantly enhanced. She integrates more seamlessly with the local application. You can call her to open any local application and file, which shows some efficiency improvements. For some problems with the input text, Xiaona can quickly make judgments. For example, you can directly call Xiaona and say “What is 5382×1327?†Xiaona will call the calculator to figure out the result directly and tell you by voice.
In terms of language style, Xiao Na has made obvious progress. The logical language is fluent and there are occasional quips and ancient poems that make you feel very close to the Chinese language and cultural environment. This is actually a decision. Will she often use one of her key factors.
Edge Browser Adds Expanded Component Capabilities
Edge browser has been a major feature improvement since Win10. It adopts a more advanced algorithm, supports HTML5 protocol, and is more efficient to execute. It is just...bug in daily use. The upgrade, the official Edge browser has been greatly optimized, hoping to have fewer crashes and bugs.
The most notable improvement of the Edge browser is that it adds the functionality of the extension component, that is, you can extend the component to meet your needs for more use on the browser, much like Google's Chrome browser. However, Chrome browser extension components have developed for many years and are relatively mature. The Edge browser has just added this feature. You will find that there are relatively few available extension components. But the most worthwhile ones such as the page translation feature are all there. I believe that in the future, the Edge extension component will gradually be enriched, and the Edge browser will also become more and more powerful. After all, relying on the natural ecological advantages of Windows, what will be shared and expanded will gradually be integrated into the system. Although it will start late, the penetration will be more rapid and effective.
Windows Defender is more prominent
As an anti-virus software with the largest installed capacity but still not being noticed and valued by users, Microsoft apparently does not want such a large amount of software to be degenerate. In particular, Win10 is enjoying a good momentum. Take this opportunity to upgrade Windows Defender in the system. The importance of this is very important.
However, in fact, there is not much improvement in the functionality of Windows Defender. The main change in the system is to enhance its position, not only to re-do the shield icon, but also directly on the taskbar. Obviously, Windows Defender is in use since Win8. Microsoft feels that its features are powerful enough to rival the mainstream software in the market. It is time to change it from the original hidden interface to a high profile appearance. On the desktop.
From the average user's point of view, it will be more noticed on the desktop. When you enable other killers on the new system again, you have to consider whether there is a conflict in the functionality of Windows Defender. The question of who to stay with will surface naturally. Still relying on strong ecological integration capabilities, and the need to worry about updating and free to use at any time, these will make users more willing to switch to the embrace of Windows Defender. I think this move will greatly increase the actual number of users of Windows Defender, and ranks among the mainstream mainstream software that is the most popular among users. Windows Defender is just around the corner.
App store structure is more pleasing
Everyone also knows that Microsoft has always wanted to be able to integrate PC and mobile phones. The application store also began to develop vigorously from that time. However, the bad experience of the application store software has been criticized. Now that the mobile terminal system of Windows is basically declared to have failed due to the failure of the Nokia acquisition, the fusion of the PC-side platform and the mobile-end platform is completely hopeless. However, this shop has already been done, and it should not be abandoned. Especially in the context of such a hot game, the app store has been given a new meaning by Microsoft. After docking with the Xbox Live platform, you can obviously feel the app store. There are more high quality games that look more attractive.
To sum up, I suspect that Microsoft will use it for the integration of two-in-one users and for the future integration of the Xbox game platform. So we have seen some changes in the application store layout and content settings. The most obvious is that the recommended application for screencasting has been changed from the original scrolling chart to a tiled layout, and then the four modules of popular applications, popular games, special recommendations, and highlights have been reprocessed, which is more in line with system applications. The visual style.
System settings menu subtle optimization
The menu of the system setup has made some humanized adjustments. The most representative one is that the tablet mode has increased the tablet mode to hide the application icon on the task bar, and it can also automatically hide the task bar. This is more pure when used as a tablet. More like using a tablet.
Settings menu More optimization comes from internal fine-tuning and visual optimization. Indeed, in pursuit of minimalism, Win10 uses relatively monotonous icons and textual descriptions that look succinct but give a sense of lack of design. After the new version was updated, Microsoft made various visual adjustments.
For example, the main page is set, the original setting title is on the left side of the interface, and the search box is on the right side of the interface. The new version of the interface, renamed as Windows settings, and the search box are located in the center of the interface, all of a sudden look a lot of harmony. Updates and security icons have also been repainted.
Enter the setup secondary menu. The original functions are only described by text. After the update, the menu description matches the icons, and it looks a lot finer. Visually more discerning users will be very comfortable to see this improvement. In addition, in terms of function design, the updated system takes many advanced settings to the overview page so that users can make more settings without having to click twice, which is more convenient.
Take a closer look at the function buttons on the left and it's interesting to change. One is to increase the "application of the website" translation harder... Added the "project to this computer" function. The first function is to provide a portal for centralized management of website visits, so that no matter what applications are used to visit the website, it will be shown here. You can centrally manage the access of these applications to the website. The projection function is obviously prepared for multi-platform integration. Currently supports Windows mobile phones and other Windows computers and flat-panel projectors to computers, with a relatively limited range of applications. In addition, in view of the special attention of users to the life of the machine, the updated Win10 also refers to the mobile system as a separate functional item, so that the user can more easily perform power-related management settings. When the battery is lower than a certain value, the power-saving mode can be turned on automatically to make it more convenient and convenient.
Summary: Many changes in function and playful upgrade
I probably experienced a completely new upgrade of Win10, which gave me the impression that this update is more predictable and that we have seen many changes in the touch. In particular, some of the core features of Win10, the Edge browser and Cortana Voice Assistant, which are of great interest to us, have been greatly optimized in the start menu and operation center, and many important functions have been added, which can obviously improve the daily use experience. New features such as Windows Ink also provide more convenience for handwritten users.
Wherever you can't see the details of the system, you can feel that Microsoft is very careful about adjusting the system. It is not only a slight improvement of some functions, but even a slight adjustment of the visuals has been put into the update, like visual control users like me. They will certainly be touched by these changes.
In short, the functional improvement is very obvious, the system has become more close to the user, Cortana is still quite playful, I really can not think of any reason why Win10 does not upgrade. However, it is said that in-depth use of the user after the update appeared with the system settings option is reset, the browser settings reset and other minor issues, the actual impact is not too large, Microsoft responded that it is stepping up the patch, if you do not mind very much, then Just escalate your computer.
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